





裴得胜,中国科学院“BRJH”A类入选者(2013)、重庆市科技创新领军人才(2017)、重庆市突出贡献中青年专家(2020),曾任中国科学院重庆研究院环境与健康研究中心主任、中国科学院水库水环境重点实验室副主任、中国科学院重庆研究院三峡生态环境研究所副所长。2006年6月于中国科学院水生生物研究所获得遗传学理学博士学位。2006年6月至2009年2月在中国科学院水生生物研究所任助理研究员,从事环境与人类健康的相关研究。具有四年海外高校工作经历,先后在美国Northeastern University(2009.2-2011.2)、Harvard University(2011.2-2013.2)从事DNA损伤修复和神经母细胞瘤的癌症机理研究。2012年8月任中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院研究员。其在Cancer CellNucleic Acids ResearchPlos GeneticsBiomaterialsBrain等期刊上共发表科研论文100余篇,获得授权发明专利8项(第一发明人)。目前主要从事动物疾病模型、环境污染物毒理效应和致病分子机理研究。


1. 重庆市基础研究与前沿探索项目,重点项目,cstc2019jcyj-zdxmX0035,神经母细胞瘤耐药机制与精准干预策略研究,2019-09至2022-08,80万元,主持

2. 中国科学院“一带一路”团队项目,CAS-RZ201899,水资源利用与生态安全团队,2018-12至2021-11,100万元,主持

3. 重庆市科技创新领军人才,CSTCCXLJRC201714,重庆市高层次人才特殊支持计划,2017-01至2020-07,45万元,主持

4. 重庆市科委应用开发重大项目,cstc2014yykfC20004,转荧光基因斑马鱼监测水体持久性有机污染物的应用研究,2014-08至2017-07,150万元,主持

5. 中国科学院BRJH项目(海外引进人才A类),Y33Z250,2015-01至2017-12,200万元,主持


1. Chen YN#, Bian WP#, Liu L, Chen X, Tang M*,Pei DS*. Generation of a novel transgenic marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) for highly sensitive detection of heavy metals in the environment.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 419: 126382.(中科院SCI1区, IF=10.588).

2.Wang Y, Hamid N, Jia PP,Pei DS*. A comprehensive review on genetically modified fish: Key techniques, applications, and future prospects.Reviews in Aquaculture. 2021, 13, 1635–1660.(中科院SCI1区, IF=10.592)

3.NiuAP, Bian WP, Feng SL, Pu SY, Wei XY, Yang YL, Song LY,Pei DS*. Role of manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) against Cr(III)-induced toxicity in bacteria.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021,403:123604.(中科院SCI1区, IF=10.588).

4.Luo JJ#, Liu P#, Lu C, Bian W, Su D, Zhu C, Xie SL, Pan Y, Li N, Cui W,Pei DS*, Yang X*.Stepwise crosstalk between aberrant Nf1, Tp53 and Rb signalling pathways induces gliomagenesis in zebrafish.Brain.2020, 144(2): 615–635.(中科院SCI1区, IF=13.501)

5.T.Y Suman#, Jia PP#, Li WG#, Junaid M, Xin GY, Wang Y,Pei DS*. Acute and chronic effects of polystyrene microplastics on brine shrimp: First evidence highlighting the molecular mechanism through transcriptome analysis.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020,400:123220.(中科院SCI1区, IF=10.588).

6.Hamid N, Junaid M, Manzoor R, Jia PP,Pei DS*. Prioritizing Phthalate Esters (PAEs) using experimental in vitro/vivo toxicity assays and computational in silico approaches.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020, 398:122851.(中科院SCI1区, IF=10.588).

7.Wang Y, Hamid N, Deng S, Jia PP,Pei DS*. Individual and combined toxicogenetic effects of microplastics and heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and Zn) perturb gut microbiota homeostasis and gonadal development in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma).Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020, 397:122795.(中科院SCI1区, IF=10.588).

8.Hamid N#, Junaid M#,Pei DS*. Individual and combined mechanistic toxicity of Sulfonamides and their implications for ecological risk assessment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA), China.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019, 382:121106.(中科院SCI1区, IF=10.588).

9.Junaid M, Wang Y, Hamid N, Deng S, Li WG,Pei DS*.Prioritizing selected PPCPs on the basis of environmental and toxicogenetic concerns: a toxicity estimation to confirmation approach.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019,380:120828.(中科院SCI1区, IF=10.588).

10.Pei DS*,Jia PP, Luo JJ, Liu W, Strauss RP*. AP endonuclease 1 (Apex1) influences brain development linking oxidative stress and DNA repair.Cell Death & Disease. 2019, 10:348.(中科院SCI2区, IF=8.469)

11.Bian WP#, Chen YL#, Luo JJ, Wang C, Xie S,Pei DS*. Knock-in strategy for editing human and zebrafish mitochondrial DNA using mito-CRISPR/Cas9 system.ACS Synthetic Biology. 2019,621-632.(中科院SCI2区, IF=5.110)

12.Deng S#, Fu A#, Junaid M, Wang Y, Yin Q, Fu C, Liu L, Su DS, Bian WP,Pei DS*.Nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots (N-GQDs) perturb redox-sensitive systemviathe selective inhibition of antioxidant enzyme activities in zebrafish.Biomaterials. 2019, 206:61-72(中科院SCI1区, IF=12.476)

13.Deng S, Jia PP, Zhang JH, Junaid M, Niu A, Ma YB, Fu A*,Pei DS*. Transcriptomic response and perturbation of toxicity pathways in zebrafish larvae after exposure to graphene quantum dots (GQDs).Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2018, 357: 146-158.(中科院SCI1区, IF=10.588).

14.Xie SL#, Junaid M#, Bian WP#, Luo JJ, Syed HJ, Wang Chao, Xiong WX, Ma YB, Niu A, Yang XJ, Zou JX*,Pei DS*. Generation and application of a novel transgenic zebrafish lineTg(cyp1a:mCherry)as an in vivo assay to sensitively monitor PAHs and TCDD in the environment.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2018, 344: 723-732.(中科院SCI1区, IF=10.588).

15.Zhang JH#, Sun T#, Niu A#, Tang YM, Deng S, Luo W, Xu Q*, Wei D*,Pei DS*. Perturbation effect of reduced graphene oxide quantum dots (rGOQDs) on aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) pathway in zebrafish.Biomaterials. 2017, 133:49-59.(中科院SCI1区, IF=12.479)

16.Pei DS, Yang XJ, Liu W, Guikema J, Schrader C, Strauss P*. A Novel Regulatory Circuit in Base Excision Repair Involving AP endonuclease 1, Creb1 and DNA polymerase ß.Nucleic Acids Res. 2011, 39(8):3156-65.(中科院SCI1区, IF=16.971)


1.Marine Pollution: Current Status, Impacts, and Remedies, Bentham Science Publishers Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2019-07,第1作者主编,ISBN: 9789811412684




